• August 9, 2021

Treatments For Myalgic Encephalomelititis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS is a debilitating condition affecting hundreds of thousands of people around the world


Although not fully understood, doctors believe that a combination of numerous stressors contribute to the onset of this disease. The disorder is often mistaken for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as it has similar symptoms such as extreme exhaustion, depression, memory loss, and severe muscle pain.


The research scientists have developed an antibody test that, using a single blood sample, could theoretically accurately identify people with chronic myalgic encephalomelititis / chronic fatigue syndrome. If the test is confirmed in small studies, it could ultimately help doctors identify the disease and possibly help develop more effective treatments. To date, the ME / CFS test has not been developed.


Symptoms of the disorder include muscle pain, insomnia, unexplained weight loss, muscle weakness, decreased mental alertness, fatigue, irritability, and inability to concentrate. In addition, there are also symptoms associated with depression such as anxiety and fatigue. Some of the more common symptoms include: trouble sleeping, irritability, shortness of breath, anxiety, and inability to concentrate or remember things. In some cases, people also report feeling disconnected from reality.


There is no known cure for myalgic encephalomelititis / chronic fatigue and this can lead to serious disability. People with this disorder often function poorly, especially at work, and may feel like they have no control over their lives. Some of the most common treatments for patients with ME / CFS include:


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This form of treatment aims to change a person's perception of their illness. The goal is to reduce the number of negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. Cognitive behavioral therapy typically involves identifying the roots of the patient's negative thinking patterns and replacing them with more favorable beliefs, such as the belief that "the time is better than now."


Self-esteem training. During this self-esteem training, patients are taught to recognize their negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. They also learn techniques for managing their emotions, such as avoiding stress, relaxing, and finding appropriate ways to get rid of negative thoughts.


Physical Activity. Patients are encouraged to engage in aerobic, strength training, balance and coordination exercises, swimming, and other forms of physical activity.


Although the exact cause of ME/CFS is unknown, there is no known cure for the disease. However, the combination of many therapies mentioned above has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms and improve quality of life in many patients.


Many people suffering from ME/CFS believe that there is multiple cause to their disorder. In some cases, ME/CFS is triggered by a compromised immune system, while in other cases, it may be caused by a neurological or psychiatric condition, an infection or a substance abuse.


Treatment for cognitive behavioral therapies, autonomic stimulation, and emotional stress are commonly combined with biofeedback and massage. The goal is to help patients identify and change their negative thinking patterns. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people gain self-control so that they can cope with daily stresses and learn how to manage their emotions.


Some doctors prescribe antidepressants, beta-blockers, cortisone, vitamin E, and other drugs to treat ME/CFS. These medications have been shown to greatly improve patients' symptoms. However, they have serious side effects, including increased levels of anxiety, depression, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, and restlessness. A large trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that when the patients were taking these drugs for longer periods of time, they experienced more side effects than those who were not.


There is no known cause for ME/CFS and it cannot be cured. However, many people with the condition do find effective relief from the above-mentioned therapies and treatments.




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