• August 19, 2021

How to Get Rid of an External Hemorrhoid Naturally

In this article I am going to tell you about some of the best ways to treat an external hemorrhoid. If you are suffering from this condition, you know how uncomfortable and painful it can make you feel. I will explain why external hemorrhoids are so dangerous and what you can do about them.


If an external hemorrhoid forms an infection in an area that is not well-ventilated (like the inside of your thigh or between your knees) then the pain can sometimes be so severe that it can cause you to urinate blood. You may also feel or even see a red lump just outside of your anus.


Most people who have external hemorrhoids experience itching, burning, and bleeding, or swelling. They can sometimes be tender to the touch, but there is no pain. Sometimes an external hemorrhoid will swell to the point where it is painful or uncomfortable. This is very serious and you should seek medical attention right away!


If an internal hemorrhoid forms an infection in the tissue of your rectum or anus you will experience itching and burning, and if you have bleeding in the anal canal. Internal hemorrhoids can also cause pain, as they are located in the inner lining of your anus. The main difference between an internal hemorrhoid and an external one is that when you get an internal one it is not visible; most people will not know it is an external hemorrhoid unless they get it treated. However, if you have external hemorrhoids, they are usually very hard to find, and will cause pain during bowel movement.


One way to treat external hemorrhoids is to apply witch hazel to the outside of the hemorrhoid and leave it on for 30 minutes, and when you feel better, wash it off with warm water. Another way is to apply a topical cream to your hemorrhoids to help relieve pain and swelling. It will take several weeks of treatment to get rid of internal hemorrhoids. If you can get rid of your external hemorrhoids in a week, you should consider treatment if it becomes more painful or causes bleeding.


If you decide to try homeopathic treatment, you should avoid taking any medications intended to treat external hemorrhoids, such as topical creams or suppositories. They can dry out the affected area and make the situation worse. Homeopathic creams should be taken for no more than four weeks and only use a cream that should be purchased from a reputable supplier that uses all natural ingredients. These creams are better for external hemorrhoids than for internal hemorrhoids.


To cure external hemorrhoids, the first thing to do is to heal the hemorrhoids that are causing pain


You also need to keep your environment clean and dry. You can find more information on the treatment of hemorrhoids on the website https://www.ctrip.co.th/.


Regularly taking warm baths and drinking plenty of water will keep the affected area clean and dry. If possible, add a few drops of witch hazel to your bath water to relieve itching. Avoid using any ointments or suppositories as they will only make your condition worse.


After the bath, sit for five minutes and then sit for five minutes to help reduce swelling. Then you can sit for ten minutes before getting up. This will help relax your rectum and prevent further irritation.


Once you've gotten rid of irritation and inflammation in your anus, you can take a warm bath. After leaving the bath, blot with a soft towel to get rid of excess moisture. It is best not to apply talcum powder to the anus, as this can cause irritation.


Then you should apply a hot compress to the affected area and repeat it several times a day. You should feel some relief after two weeks, but it may take two weeks before you completely eliminate it. This should be done twice a day.




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